HEC ( Hidayatullah English College )

 HEC is a place where I study in there ,  HEC is the best College in Bangkalan . This my opinion cause my experience from start study in HEC until now . I think HEC different with other College . From the facilities : Beautiful class with a good picture resque from the class to the around place . Parking area that good and high protect because HEC has a gate and this can decrease a stole for transportation student that parking in park of HEC . IN HEC has a Three class and has a five program for SMP-SMA like as : Basic 1,Basic 2,Pre Conversation,Conversation 1,Conversation 2 .
All of program duration is 3 month and just pay 300 K for one periode of program and pay 50 K for Final test after this you will get a certificate from this program . From activities : HEC has many activities like as : English Camp , English Sat Night . English Camp is activitie that study with playing and we can know the other student from HEC program other . Usually English camp held once of the years . And English Sat Night is activitie that study with friend at Saturday night . English satnight will spend your time at satnight with the good activitie . From the teacher : HEC has many teacher who good teach to student , so the student fell enjoy study and easily to get a materials .

                The Final Test , this the end of the program . Final test like as : Grammer,Speaking,Vocab. The carasteristic of value is the student can repeat the materials and  if you can remember the materials . I Think you will pass the program and can follow the other program . I Think HEC is everything for me . So join with me to study in HEC guys . 

Sumber:Ca'oni Prend
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  1. wah saya nggak ngerti cak.. cak oni ngomongin apaan nih.. nggak mudeng bahasa linggis saya hahaha

  2. promosi lembaga kursusnya ini ya mas

  3. kayaknya saya perlu belajar bhs inggris lagi nih sob...

  4. Lokasi nya dmna yah ka? D bngkalan ad?

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